
Soul is the field of self that is known and felt, yet, remains unseen…

And here we are...

…alive on the Planet, and part of an infinite and indescribable whole of All that is. Yet, in these post-pandemic days, navigating life can be challenging. Much of society has become more difficult to decipher as it appears that things are rapidly accelerating into chaos, confusion, and a never-ending stream of noise and distraction. After two plus years of a global pandemic, whiplash-inducing choices and restrictions, and a plentiful serving of fear, many are finding themselves washed out to sea, treading in unfamiliar waters, where normalcy, purpose, and the comforts of “how things are supposed to be” have evolved into the acknowledgement that there is no certainty-there is truly only the unknown.

As we adapt to all the ways that change and uncertainty have affected our lives, many are looking for ways to rest over-stimulated nervous systems and lovingly find the way back to the present moment, so that we can reconnect with our hearts, our minds, and our resilient physical selves.

The only certainty is change.

Graciously, there are many ways to find stillness. Practices of meditation, movement, nourishment, and breath can bring us back to center, back to consciousness, and back into awareness of our deep primal connection to the Earth and all of the Universe.

How can we feel grounded and stable in such a tempestuous time? 

Turn inward, slow down, be in silence, listen to the frequencies of our hearts, Nourish Higher Vibration

We can actively adjust our states of consciousness to elevate our vibrations and frequencies. By committing ourselves to daily practice and recurring ceremony work, we engage fully with living our precious lives. As we generate our awareness, an evolution takes place – within the self and outside the self – bringing about a transformation of consciousness. As you grow through practice, you may feel like you are being tuned to an entirely new octave. Perhaps you’re becoming aware of new frequencies flowing through different aspects of your life. You may be receiving information downloads from out of seemingly nowhere, or experiencing a recalibration of the ways you know, see, feel, and understand.

So how do we integrate these new frequencies and octaves into our daily lives?

We hone our tools, EXPand our skills, and deepen-in to the mystery of this evolution.


I am devoted to being present and providing grounded guidance as you explore your soul, your heart, and your gifts. 

I am here to walk with you as we navigate the edges of your comfort zone in physical and spiritual realms. 

I am here to be with you as you stand on the edge of your life and look outward into the beyond—dreaming in the life you want to live and the ways you want to live. 

This is my work: standing with you, supporting you, being present, and clearing the path as you make the sacred journey of being your whole luminescent soul.

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